Below are the most common words used in the biased political articles as well as what words are most connected to each other. This text analysis was done via Voyant Tools. This analysis helps visualize the bias wording within the article. 

Conservative Media Bias

These are the most common words that appeared in the articles “Slowing economy bad sign for Democrat Clinton”, “Clinton’s FBI investigation: What you need to know“, and “Clinton aide in 2008 email describes ad to ‘feminize’ McCain” and which words they were most commonly linked to within the article.

From this web, I have concluded that Clinton’s name is often linked to a negative attribute, in the case specifically relating to the economy. The other words that are linked to economy are business and chief, which both have implications that they are relating Trump’s business and CEO background to economic growth.

Common Words

This diagram shows the most common words from all of the conservative biased articles featured in the local article timeline. As shown, Hillary Clinton and her email scandal is by far the most commonly talked about subject even though only one of the articles revolves around the issue. The words “emails”, “FBI”, and “investigation” are telling of this. Conservative news sources used this scandal as a way to demonize Clinton as a crook leading up to the election. This scandal was very opinion based, and Fox News presented an anti-Clinton opinion that is not okay for a national news source.

Common Words Web

This web shows the common words and to which other common words they were most commonly linked to within the article. To continue the argument that Clinton’s email scandal was mentioned far to many times, this web shows that the word most commonly linked to Clinton was “email”.

Common Word Frequency

This diagram shows the frequency of the most common words in the article. As seen, the words “FBI” and “emails” have the most frequency. Conservative media used the Clinton email scandal as a way to put the candidate in a bad light. This diagram is proof to how often the story appears in conservative media.

Liberal Media Bias

These are the most common words that appeared in the articles “Why I will Vote for Hillary Clinton”, “Run, Donald, Run”, and “Conspiracy to Steal Election”. The larger the word on the diagram, the more common the word was in the article.

These are the most common words that appeared in the articles “Why I will Vote for Hillary Clinton”, “Run, Donald, Run”, and “Conspiracy to Steal Election” and which words they were most commonly linked to within the article. From this analysis, it can be seen that tax plans were used as a tactic against the republicans in this case. Two of the three most common words were “Tax” and “percent”. This could be because of Trump’s tax platform and how it favors the one percent. Trump’s one percent background is also a tool that was use against in liberal media.

This diagram shows the frequency of the most common words in the article. As seen, the words “percent”, “Trump”, and “Tax” have the most frequency. Trump’s competitor Hillary Clinton, who should be compared and critiqued along with him in a fair article, has a very low frequency.